May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-)

Last updated: 2025-02-05

This is a May-style module from GultyGear -Strive-.
Add to the list of Kagamine Rin modules and hairstyles.

This is my first attempt at UV textures.
Please understand that there are some parts that are not reproduced well or are uncomfortable.




This mod adds the following modules:

Name (EN) Character ID Source
May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Rin 55062 May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-)
Name (JP) Name (CN) Name (FR) Name (GE)
May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-)
Name (IT) Name (KR) Name (SP) Name (TW)
May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-)
COS ID Item 1 ID Item 2 ID Item 3 ID
408 55060 55062 301
Item 4 ID Item 5 ID
55061 55063
Name (EN) Name (JP) Character ID
May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Rin 55062

This mod adds the following customize items:

Name (EN) Character ID Source
May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Hair Rin 55060 May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-)
Name (JP) Name (CN) Name (FR) Name (GE)
May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Hair May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Hair May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Hair May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Hair
Name (IT) Name (KR) Name (SP) Name (TW)
May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Hair May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Hair May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Hair May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Hair
Module Name (EN) Module Name (JP) Module ID Module Source
May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) 55062 May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-)
Name (EN) Name (JP) Character Part ID
May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Hair May Style(GuiltyGear -Strive-) Hair Rin Hair (Kami) 55060