A complete port and adaption of the PS4 Future Tone UI for MM+. This mod allows you to change between the three themes that exist in FT (Future Tone, Future Sound, Colorful Tone), and restores survival mode.
Currently, this mod is only fully localized with English and Japanese. Other languages can run this UI, but will have most things displayed in either English or Japanese depending on the language used. Future updates will be focused on localizing the UI for the remaining languages that MM+ supports.
Things to note:
You must have the MM+ DLC installed in order to play survival mode, as some courses contain songs that are only released in the DLC and will crash the game if you attempt to switch to one of those courses.
To change the theme, please reference the config.toml in this mod's folder.
The EXP bar works differently - for each pack's (Future Sound/Colorful Tone) rank to increase, you must play songs from their respective pack. If a song does not belong to either Future Sound or Colorful Tone, the EXP bar will not progress nor show up on the results screen of the song.
Leaderboards are disabled - FT handles leaderboards differently internally and thus does not display anything when you attempt to view them for any song. Currently, there are no plans to get them working, as most people have leaderboards disabled anyways.
The Mix Mode mod itself doesn't cause any problems with this mod, however you cannot get to the mix mode rhythm select screen as the game uses the actual menu code from FT PS4, where the toggle for mix mode does not exist. However, in customization, you can still change mix mode settings (although the menus will not display properly as I have not done anything to adapt the mix mode layers currently).
Some buttons cannot be clicked on with a mouse - you will need to use the keyboard/controller to navigate those buttons.
Using debug mode is a little strange as the menu tasks do not end properly, causing UI elements to persist when in debug.
Is NOT compatible with other mods that change the UI, and may potentially cause issues if both UI mods are used at the same time. If needed, FT UI should be high up on the priority list for it to not conflict with other mods.
Incompatibility list for other mods that are not necessarily UI mods:
- Custom BGMs - while it doesn't crash in most cases (results screen is the exception for some custom BGMs), we cannot say it is compatible as there are issues with the BGMs played on the results screen. We cannot fix the rest of these issues without modifying the mod itself, which is prohibited by the mod creator.
The source code is available at: https://github.com/broGamer4256/ps4