UtsuP Collection Pack

Last updated: 2025-02-16

This pack contains a handpicked combination of musics I personally like made by the producer UtsuP. You can check his channel here.

You can help me enhance this pack by answering this quick form, rating the pack overall. At the end of the form, there's a link for downloading my Hao chart.

Link to the form

Song and IDs
  • 337 - Moth | ガ

  • 338 - Bizarre Food | ゲテモノ

  • 339 - Fuel | フューエル

  • 340 - Emblem

I do plan to add more songs but as DLCs for this songpack, each DLC adding 3 - 4 more songs to the original pack. I wanted to test this method.

You can suggest songs in the Google Forms, but it's not 100% sure I'll include it. Feel free to tell me your favorite UtsuP song!


This mod adds the following songs:

Name (EN) Name (JP) ID Source
Moth 337 UtsuP Collection Pack
Music Lyrics Arranger
Utsu-P Utsu-P Utsu-P
鬱P 鬱P 鬱P
Easy Normal Hard Extreme Extra Extreme
6.5star 8.5star
Name (EN) Name (JP) ID Source
Bizarre Food ゲテモノ 338 UtsuP Collection Pack
Music Lyrics Arranger Editor
Utsu-P Utsu-P Utsu-P mikuma
鬱P 鬱P 鬱P mikuma
Easy Normal Hard Extreme Extra Extreme
6star 9star
Name (EN) Name (JP) ID Source
FUEL フューエル 339 UtsuP Collection Pack
Music Lyrics Arranger Editor
Utsu-P Utsu-P Utsu-P Nihe
鬱P 鬱P 鬱P にへ
Easy Normal Hard Extreme Extra Extreme
7.5star 9star
Name (EN) Name (JP) ID Source
EMBLEM EMBLEM 340 UtsuP Collection Pack
Music Lyrics Arranger
Utsu-P Utsu-P Utsu-P
鬱P 鬱P 鬱P
Easy Normal Hard Extreme Extra Extreme
7star 9.5star
Name (EN) Name (JP) ID
Moth 337
Bizarre Food ゲテモノ 338
FUEL フューエル 339